Comments on: Five Pitfalls to Avoid in Your PPC Landing Page Fri, 03 Jun 2016 16:22:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jessie Kleino Mon, 03 Oct 2011 16:41:04 +0000 In reply to Justin.

Hi Justin,

We agree — forms are a balancing act and greatly depend on the product/service offered on the landing page.

Thank you for contributing!


By: Justin Mon, 03 Oct 2011 16:01:53 +0000 I honestly can’t remember the last time I used a Fax machine. An unrelated fields should definitely be omitted. When choosing fields keep thing in context, in the digital space we may not need a physical address. However, if you are a roofer who is doing some digital marketing it would make sense to ask for a phone number or address to give a quote.

Forms are a balancing act: If you require less information you will get more leads but these leads may not be that qualified. Just keep in mind the goals for that particular campaign and keep it simple.

In my case I require a name, email, and have an optional field for industry.

By: Jessie Kleino Mon, 26 Sep 2011 18:52:28 +0000 Hi Justin,

Thanks for confirming our thoughts. Looking at it from the customer’s perspective is a great idea.

I’m interested in your research on removing fields from a form on a landing page. Recently, I ran an MVT to test the effects of removing fields and was surprised at the results. For digital product vendors in particular, we have to consider exactly what we NEED in order to deliver a trial download. Should a landing page require a full address? How about the infamous field for a fax number? Yikes, I don’t think I’ll be faxing out promotional newsletters anytime soon!

What other landing page features are you testing?


By: Justin Fri, 23 Sep 2011 19:43:11 +0000 Great list of pitfalls. The biggest issue I have seen with PPC campaigns is easily the first choice you pointed out: landing on the homepage. Here are two other major issues I see all too often:

The Landing Page isn’t consistent with the offer in the advertisement.
If I am clicking an ad to see refurbished iPhones for $50 and I land on a page with a bunch of phones by Motorolla I am definitely hitting the ‘back’ button. On top of making your business look slimy by promoting something that doesn’t exist, you are confusing the customer. And I hold this as a rule of thumb: Confused Customers Don’t Convert*.

Having a form that has too much Friction.
Keep your lead generation forms short and simple, only ask for information that is absolutely critical at that moment. If you only get a name and an email, start a campaign that gets even more information. You can gauge how much information you can ask for based on the value of the product or service you are giving away. In the digital industry knowledge is power, consumers recognize this and don’t want to give too much to get too little.
