Comments on: Don’t Trust Your Gut – Conversion Optimization Advice from Chris Goward Part 2 Fri, 03 Jun 2016 18:10:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alex Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:29:55 +0000 My own conversion optimization advice:
The most important part of conversion optimization is the part after the conversion optimization test πŸ˜‰
Think carefully if the results are trustworthy, and what do the results mean. If you have increased the CTR by 50% doesn’t mean that you have increased your sales. IMHO you can only trust your results, if you have more than 50 (better 100) SALES for the winning variation in less than 1 month.
That means: If you have landing page with eCPM is 1$, and the product price is $30, and you have a A/B test with 3 variants, and the variants generates 50,30 and 20 sales in 1 month, then you need:
(50+30+20) sales * $30 = $3000
eCPM = $1 = $3000/Impressions*1000
-> Impressions = $3000*1000/$1 = 3 million
That means: You need at least 3 million impressions a month for a page to run a reliable conversion optimization test on that page. Strange! So think about it πŸ˜‰
Or read “You Should Test That!”

By: Krzysztof (Chris) Planeta Sat, 27 Jul 2013 17:10:01 +0000 Hi,

I keep a website in which I advise visitors how to start their own site, make it more profitable, etc. The site’s in Polish and in translation it’s domain name is “e-business step by step”.

On front page I keep info on free guides and advice since
I’ve chosen content marketing as way of attracting visitors to my site. I then try to convert them to subscriber of my Newsletter.

The thing is my offer is in site’s menu only. I don’t mention it on front page. I’m wondering how to insert info on my services (advising, coaching) on front page so that the main idea that the domain name won’t be lost.

I think it would be strange for a new visitor to come accross a site calles “e-business step by step” and see instead of guides advice of 3 of my offers (even small).

What do you think, how could I make it work so that I could keep my visitors looking for advice and inform them on my services at the same time?

Krzysztof (Chris) Planeta
