Comments on: Revenue Recognition in Software Delivery Fri, 03 Jun 2016 16:38:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bob Scarborough Mon, 30 Jan 2012 16:56:13 +0000 In reply to Craig Vodnik.

Thanks for your question Craig.

We have replaced competitive solutions – but most commonly our clients are moving from a ‘work around’ based or Excel based solution.

The vast majority of companies still approach significant portions of this requirement with a manual or custom system approach – something they continue until the pain is too great to continue.

If you have more questions please do write.

By: Craig Vodnik Mon, 30 Jan 2012 11:18:05 +0000 In reply to Bob Scarborough.

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your thoughtful insight. The application of revenue recognition in the software market is a very complex topic and thankfully there are companies out there that have solutions to help businesses solve the problem at an affordable(?) rate. When thinking about the software market, what percentage of the companies that use your solution previously had:

1. no automated solution (i.e. consultants/finance providing rev rec guidance)
2. had an alternate solution
3. some mixture of 1 & 2

We always love hearing some real market feedback on topics like this so feel free to offer up additional information that you think is relevant.



By: Bob Scarborough Fri, 27 Jan 2012 23:12:53 +0000 This is a nice introduction to revenue recognition and the sources of revenue recognition complexity. Another general guideline that can help define requirements is to consider these three variables:

1) Billing. How does your company go to market (eCommerce? enterprise agreement? channel model?) – and look for a billing system or a billing support system that matches your go to market model.
2) Revenue Recognition. The general rules are above for software industry revenue recognition. For the basics you will need a sub-ledger for deferred and recognized revenue analysis and appropriate methods and models to support your revenue recognition.
3) Revenue Compliance. Could be part of the above – but is often a sub-set that not everyone needs. No easy way to describe this – but if you have a sales process with multiple related elements in it (like software plus maintenance) and there are different recognition periods for the elements you are most likely subject to more complex accounting guideslines.

Our company (Tensoft) also provides software that supports both the billing requirements as well as the software revenue recognition.

By: Clint Wilson Mon, 23 Jan 2012 19:48:27 +0000 Agree Craig, as the accounting system is core to building “both the subscription management and revenue recognition capabilities to manage a subscription business.”

Looking forward to seeing more of Cleverbridge fans in our SyncApps subscriber base soon:)


By: Craig Vodnik Mon, 23 Jan 2012 17:34:54 +0000 In reply to Clint Wilson.

Hi Clint,

Thanks for the information about Zuora and NetSuite. I think that a lot of companies need both the subscription management and revenue recognition capabilities to manage a subscription business. I’m sure that there are many ways to skin a cat (no offense to cat lovers), but a top tier accounting system is the foundation and a flexible subscription/e-commerce platform must work hand-in-hand to handle revenue recognition correctly.



By: Clint Wilson Sun, 22 Jan 2012 04:28:41 +0000 They are good & expensive Jordan and we also looked at implementing them in the last quarter of 2011.

Yet for most businesses you will need more than Zuora on the billing front to get the revenue recognition part correct which is why I think they turned to partner with NetSuite:)


By: Jordan S Zoot Fri, 20 Jan 2012 23:33:16 +0000 Clint…..the vendor that gets it right is #zuora. I don’t know of anything else out there that even comes close.
