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Accelerate time to market, reduce costs and grow revenue by selling smarter

Remember: each one of your business customers is a savvy digital consumer, which creates a huge opportunity to increase renewal rates and maximize profits by automating some B2B sales processes. Seize this opportunity with our cloud-based subscription billing and ecommerce solutions that address the needs of your customers.

Our Full-Service Approach to B2B Ecommerce

  • Seamless integration with leading CRM, marketing automation and other business-critical systems

  • Rapid implementation to accelerate your time-to market

  • Quoting and invoicing options that simplify recurring billing

  • Optimized online experience to delight digital consumers

  • Relevant online and offline payment methods to meet the unique needs of business buyers


cleverbridge accelerates time to market. We fully migrated the global online business for Parallels - a leading virtualization company - to our ecommerce platform in just 21 days.

Client Case Study:

Automated Renewals

Client Challenge

Our client – a leading provider of software and hosted solutions for network and web security, email security and web monitoring for businesses – was relying heavily on their sales team to drive renewals via a manual quote process. This was problematic because it cost our client $100 internally to generate each quote.

cleverbridge Solution

By rapidly integrating our platform with our client’s business systems, we implemented a Configure-Price-Quote process that allows their sales team to generate customized price quotes and accept a variety of online and offline payment methods. Our client now generates, issues and process thousands of quotes for their business customers every month — without that $100 per-quote cost eating into their profits.

Our B2B Ecommerce Capabilities

  • Seamless Integration

    We can quickly and reliably integrate our flexible platform with your CRM, ERP, and other business systems.
  • “B2C-Like” Experience

    For your business buyers, we ensure customer experiences that are every bit as comfortable and convenient as what they’ve come to expect as consumers – rich in functionality, highly personalized and easy-to-use.
  • Flexible Pricing Models

    We offer an assortment of pricing models to fit your business model. Whether you’re offering a term, tiered or usage-based model — or some combination thereof — our platform knows who to bill, when, for how much and via which payment method.
  • Purchase Orders & Invoicing

    Enable customers to complete transactions with purchase orders. With our platform you can easily configure the scenarios for which POs are accepted (minimum value, pre-registered customers only, etc.) and generate PDF invoices – payable either online or offline.
  • Channel Management

    For your channel partners, we offer a branded web portal that facilitates an efficient online application approval process. Once approved, partners are able to easily place orders through their own custom catalogs, view order histories and re-order.
  • B2B Quote Processes

    • Configure-Price-Quote — Your sales representatives can use our CPQ functionality to issue highly personalized PDF quotes to customers in real time.
    • Guided Selling — Create a protected link that directs your customer to a prepopulated shopping cart. After they fill out their order details, the customer is quoted the price already specified by the salesperson.
    • Quote Now — Customers can get an instant quote for the contents of their shopping cart by clicking the “Quote Now” button. Our platform calculates the pricing and generates a PDF quote, provided on a confirmation page.

Subscription Management & Recurring Billing

We help you manage the complexities of the subscription lifecycle — mid-term changes, pro-rated or partial term billing, coterminous agreements and other subscription scenarios. Additionally, we offer customer self-service functionality and leverage the dunning process to maximize renewal rates.

Some clients currently leveraging our B2B ecommerce capabilities:

Nitro PDF
Dassault Systems Integration

We map transaction data from our platform to your SFDC fields. Then, through a series of ongoing API calls, we push transactions in real time to SFDC. Our built-in query engine reconciles customer contact data to avoid creating duplicates.


Ready to learn more about cleverbridge Increase Revenue With Frictionless B2B Ecommerce ?

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