Identify more valid orders & protect your revenue with cleverbridge Fraud Prevention services.

We manage risk and protect your product with sophisticated fraud technology that screens orders in real time. For an extra layer of protection, our expert analysts identify fraud patterns specific to your business and efficiently prevent and manage chargebacks. And the results speak for themselves: fewer instances of fraud, more valid transactions and a safer, smoother customer experience.

Our Full-Service Approach to Fraud Prevention

  • Detecting suspicious transactions with advanced real-time screening

  • Building a team of expert fraud analysts to manually review high-risk charges

  • Proactively managing chargebacks to prevent lost revenue

  • Identifying fraud trends and refining our screening algorithms

  • Analyzing data to reduce fraud-related costs and provide scalability

cleverbridge Fraud Prevention by the Numbers

Manual Review Rate



Industry average


% of Orders Rejected



Industry average


Fraud Rate



Industry average


Our Fraud Prevention Capabilities

  • Automated Fraud Screening

    Our industry-leading automatic screening technology reviews all charges, effectively protecting your product and averting fraudulent attacks.
  • Manual Review by Trained Analysts

    We review high-risk charges made with disputable payment methods (credit card, Direct Debit, PayPal), identify client-specific risks and respond to fraud patterns in real time.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization

    We also maximize order processing efficiency and protect revenue by proactively identifying valid purchasing trends so that fewer valid orders go into manual review.
  • Data Analysis & Application

    Fraud is evolving and the means of catching it must evolve, too. Through advanced data analysis, we can identify fraud faster and adapt to it in real time.
  • Chargeback Management

    Chargebacks can result in lost revenue and damage to your reputation, so we take an aggressive two-pronged approach of expertise and technology to help reduce them for your business. We train our analysts to proactively respond chargebacks and provide you with advice for lowering or maintaining your chargeback rate — and at the same time, we invest in partners and services proven to minimize chargebacks.

A leading virtualization business used cleverbridge Fraud Prevention services to reduce their manual review rate to just 1.5% — down 45% from 2012.

Another cleverbridge client, a global consumer video chat company, saw their chargeback rate decrease 37% year over year.

Fraud Never Sleeps (& Neither Do We)

We protect you from fraud seven days a week, 365 days a year. Our full fraud prevention system (both automated screening and manual review) is active year round in order to insulate from the damage that fraudulent attacks can do to your product, your reputation and your bottom line. On top of non-stop fraud prevention, our expert analysts continually:
  • Refine fraud detection algorithms based on your specific business needs
  • Reduce review rates for your business even as your number of orders increases
  • Minimize fraud-related costs, maximize efficiency and create revenue opportunities
  • Stay on the front line of fraud prevention technology and give you a competitive advantage

Ready to learn more about cleverbridge Fraud Prevention ?

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