Building Keystones: The Dunning Process in E-commerce

Learn to recapture expired or expiring customers by speaking to the benefits of your software in the latest Building Keystones post. Contributing blogger Elan Sherbill  examines best practices of dunning notifications in, “The Dunning Process in E-commerce.” Read Elan’s suggestions to strengthen your subscription renewal communication.

Take a look at an excerpt from the post:

The dunning process consists of identifying subscriptions that have already expired or are on the verge of expiring and sending the owner of the expiring account a notification with the goal of collecting payment.

This post focuses on the second step, sending a dunning notification, and how to do it properly in the digital age. Simply put, whether you are dealing with an online service, a SaaS product or traditional on-premise software, if you want customers to renew their subscriptions, you better inform them of what they’re missing if they don’t renew.

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