Building Keystones: Web Analytics: Focus on Climate, Not Weather (But Carry an Umbrella)

Web analytics providers make it easy to monitor metrics from anywhere. But, in many instances, the web analytics data that looks so credible is inaccurate. In this week’s Building Keystones post, guest blogger Melinda Byerley, an e-commerce and marketing expert, dissects the value of analytics. “Web Analytics: Focus on Climate, Not Weather (But Carry an Umbrella),” helps readers evaluate their analytics.

Read an excerpt of the post below:

There’s a saying, “Climate is the contents of your wardrobe; but weather is what you put on today.” When it comes to web analytics, long term trends represent the “climate” and daily performances represent the “weather.”

Now, we all love launching new products, testing their performance, improving marketing efficiency and staying on top of our numbers. We don’t have to wait weeks for market data; we get it immediately, almost  in real time.

So, which side of this situation have you been on?

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