cleverbridge Recognized as Key Player in Subscription and Recurring Billing Market

Forrester Research has identified cleverbridge, the premier global e-commerce provider for software and SaaS companies, as one of eight key players for companies in need of subscription and recurring billing support.

Forrester’s “Market Overview: Subscription And Recurring Billing Solutions 2012” report provides tactics to evaluate subscription and recurring revenue solutions and analyzes the top eight vendors in the market.

Download the complete Market Overview: Subscription And Recurring Billing Solutions 2012report, courtesy of cleverbridge.

According to report author Peter Sheldon, a Forrester senior analyst who focuses on e-commerce, mobile commerce and multichannel technology, “Simple one-time transactions and fixed monthly subscriptions are no longer enough to assure profitable growth from the digital channel.” The report continues, “At the heart of the value proposition that recurring billing solutions offer is the flexibility to easily experiment with new business models without having to rebuild or relaunch the underlying products or services that they support.”

In the report, Forrester includes cleverbridge as “a digital commerce platform that eBusinesses will want to consider.”

“Today’s digital products are globally limitless with complex business models.” says cleverbridge CEO Christian Blume. “cleverbridge has the sophisticated billing functionality that companies need to quickly adjust pricing strategies and experiment with a diverse set of recurring revenue methods.”

As noted in the report, cleverbridge supports a broad variation of recurring billing models, including:

  • Subscriptions
  • Service tiers
  • Trials and freemium
  • Perpetual ownership
  • Post-pay/usage-based billing
  • Micro transactions

Forrester refers to cleverbridge as “a global, full-service provider of subscription billing and e-commerce services focused on B2B and B2C software and SaaS companies.” The report describes how “the cleverbridge platform is geared toward rapid deployment in support of any business model (subscriptions, metered or usage-based billing, freemium, etc.).”

The report continues to discuss how “clients typically rely on cleverbridge as the merchant of record, although eBusinesses can choose to serve as the merchant of record themselves.”

Learn more about how cleverbridge can maximize your recurring revenue.The cleverbridge solution offers flexible pricing and subscription terms that develop ongoing customer relationships and allow you to easily manage dynamic customer lifecycles.