Acquire, Convert and Retain Ecommerce Customers

As a digital business, the challenge of acquiring new users of your product, converting them into paying customers, and building long-term relationships is more present than ever.

But with SaaS growth forecasted at 21.5 percent to $71.2 billion by the end of 2018 – buoyed by growth of the cloud market in general, which is on track to hit $187.3 billion – opportunities to grow your business are vast.

In this ebook series, we explore a step-by-step process that you can apply to your organization today that will empower the health and profitability of your business through 2018 and beyond.

Acquiring New Customers

Customer bases across all markets both physical and digital can be fickle, and growing competition from other service providers can derail the influx of new business. In part 1 of this series, we delve into key practices for the acquisition of new customers, like search engine marketing, search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, and paid search, among others. We’ll also explore the value of free trials and freemium offerings, which deliver a tangible sense of what your product can do before a user’s commitment to buy or subscribe.

In short, putting as many new eyeballs in front of your website and social media channels as possible can significantly support lead opportunities and help broaden the top of your sales funnel.

What Does It Take To Retain Customers

Converting New Customers

A potential customer visiting your site and reviewing your services is merely step one. In order to trigger a conversion, you need to fully optimize their experience – and better than your competitors do, to boot.

In addition to developing a quality product, it’s vital to implement a flexible ecosystem of commerce, billing and payment tools, as well as track and improve key performance metrics, like conversion and renewal rates, while decreasing churn.

In part 2, we’ll show you what’s required to overcome these significant ecommerce challenges, and how best to grow your global online sales through three critical capabilities.

What Does It Take To Convert Global Customers?

Customer Retention

As a digital business, once you’ve acquired and converted a new customer, your job is far from over. At any point during the customer lifecycle – no matter how long they’ve been a subscriber – a user can find a better price, a product with richer features elsewhere, or simply decide that your company no longer meets their needs.

In order to keep customers from cutting ties with your brand, we’ll explore tactics you can deploy and the types of messaging you can use during each of three key touchpoints to continuously reinforce your value over time. Download part 3 of our series below.

What Does It Take To Retain Customers?

For more on digital customer best practices, read some additional blogs below:

– Shifting to Subscriptions — Bring Your Customers With You

– Do Your Customers Trust Your Site?

– Providing a Remarkable Ecommerce Experience for Your Customers

Are you ready to learn more about how cleverbridge can optimize recurring billing, streamline global payment processing and help your company scale globally? Contact our sales team today.

Kyle Shamorian is the content marketer for cleverbridge.