Book Review: Channel Revolution

Join the channel revolution! Stefan Utzinger, 20-year IT industry veteran and CEO of backup software manufacturer Novastor Group, has written his first book, Channel Revolution- A...

Join the channel revolution! Stefan Utzinger, 20-year IT industry veteran and CEO of backup software manufacturer Novastor Group, has written his first book, Channel Revolution- A pragmatic guide to building and...

Yes! You Need a Facebook Strategy Now

2010 was the year that “The Social Network,” a movie about the story of Facebook’s founding, premiered to enthusiastic crowds. Since when has a movie...

2010 was the year that “The Social Network,” a movie about the story of Facebook’s founding, premiered to enthusiastic crowds. Since when has a movie about technology geeks garnered so...

Strategically Mine Your Applicant Pool to Find the Best Affiliates

In the digital product space, successful affiliate programs can generate between 15 and 20 percent of all sales. So how do you mine your affiliate...

While there are many ways to assess potential affiliates, in order to strategically evaluate each applicant create a set of specific guidelines and be consistent when evaluating potential affiliates, which increase the likelihood of affiliate success and is pivotal to the growth of your affiliate program.

The Next Wave in Commerce – Social

A few years ago, all the buzz was about the new darling of the Internet: social media. What is social media really? Well, we like...

Social commerce is a wave that is building in the ocean. We can see the beginning effects of it and every company needs to evaluate what their social commerce strategy is as part of their overall business strategy.

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