May Blogger’s Digest

Now that our B2B series has settled in, we are wrapping up the month of May. Is anyone else out there really looking forward to...

Now that our B2B series has settled in, we are wrapping up the month of May. Is anyone else out there really looking forward to a long, hot summer like we are? Your comments and questions are welcome at the end of each blog post or posed directly to our team at any time.

Here’s our list of favorite recent posts covering different topics in the ecommerce space.  Let us if you see any great posts that we can consider for a future digest.

Econsultancy – Four Tips for Improving Website Personalization: How are you personalizing your website to give your customers something special when they visit?

Chaotic Flow – The New Breed of B2B Buyer: Do you know what the new breed of B2B buyer is looking for and how should you engage with them?

Practical eCommerce – 6 key ‘Terms and Conditions’ for Ecommerce Merchants: Are your Terms and Conditions correctly defining how your company operates and sells through ecommerce?

Internet Retailer – The Gathering Strength of Social Commerce: Are you prepared for an explosion in social commerce?  Be ready in case this article is true.

Don’t forget to visit our Facebook page and tell us what topics you would like us to cover in the future!  We’re going to spend some time on SaaS in upcoming posts so stay tuned.