Q&A With Brian Walker: The Shift to SaaS

We hope you’ve had time to read “Software Vendors: The Shift to SaaS,” a Forrester Consulting study commissioned by cleverbridge. If not, download the free...

We hope you’ve had time to read “Software Vendors: The Shift to SaaS,” a Forrester Consulting study commissioned by cleverbridge. If not, download the free study now and be sure to check out our previous blog post discussing the reasons SaaS may be right for your business.

To help you decide if now is the time to move toward SaaS, we talked to Forrester Principal Analyst Brian Walker about the key findings of the study. We asked him the important questions about what software vendors need to know in order to make the transition.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about:

  • The benefits SaaS can bring to your business portfolio including faster implementation times, continuous upgrades, and support for changing business processes
  • How others who have switched to SaaS have reaped significant rewards, the most considerable being a steady, predictable cash flow
  • Proven strategies to navigate the barriers to entering the SaaS market
  • The type of investments necessary to succeed, the commitment to SaaS goes beyond pure technology

Don’t miss the Road to SaaS-ification webinar on Wednesday, July 13, during which Brian will lead a one-hour discussion for B2B and B2C software industry professionals interested in SaaS. He’ll dig deeper into the “The Shift to SaaS” study and answer your questions regarding this report.

We think you’ll find the research and conclusions of this report extremely valuable in devising your market strategy for selling B2B software products in this evolving market. We would love your feedback and insight on this developing topic. Please feel free to post comments below!