Revenue Recognition Webcast

Correctly recognizing revenue from the software you sell is a complex topic near and dear to our heart. Guidance from accounting teams is absolutely necessary for...

Tensoft Webcast

Correctly recognizing revenue from the software you sell is a complex topic near and dear to our heart.

Guidance from accounting teams is absolutely necessary for revenue recognition in ecommerce transactions.

Because who likes nasty surprises from tax auditors? No one!

So how can you ensure that your ecommerce system is integrated tightly and correctly with your accounting system to prevent surprises from auditors?


Thankfully, Tensoft, a provider of business management solutions will be hosting McGladrey, a large accounting firm, for a discussion on the future of revenue recognition in the technology sector.

Attendees will learn about the future of international compliance standards like the IFRS and the US compliance standards called GAAP.

If you are interested in acquiring insight into this important subject, you can register and listen free of charge.

The webcast takes place on September 13th, at 11 AM PST. It is geared primarily toward those with a general accounting background.

As an added bonus, attendees can earn CPE credit just for listening in.

Follow this link to register for free.