Billing your global online customers is complex. To effectively and securely collect payments, you must, among many other things, open up merchant accounts, put payment gateways in place, manage contracts...
We know that bad customer support can cost you, even with your most loyal customers. While maintaining a well-trained customer support team is costly, the payoff in customer retention and...
The rains this April were a little more purple, as the world mourned the passing of famous music and cultural icon Prince. What you may not know is that in addition...
Rebuild, rebuild, rebuild! This is the alarm being sounded all over the ecommerce community as the online marketplace continues to grow and change at blinding speeds. As first generation systems...
This month, we covered the basics of online payment processing, the value of professional networking, and how to optimize your site for customer trust. We feasted on Ecommerce Eye Candy...
Timely access to accurate user data is essential to your business. You must have access to customer details, billing, renewal dates and user account information, and this information must be...
Holidays = shopping, lots of it! Brick-and-mortar retailers know it well, and with the continuous rise of online holiday sales, digital retailers are benefiting more than ever.
“Deloitte forecasts an 8.5...
We had lots of fun closing out the summer with exceptional content about managing online sales tax for digital goods, finding new ideas for email marketing campaigns, creating more effective...
Reports indicate that this will be a milestone year across all things digital. This infographic from Search Laboratory takes a look at 2015’s ecommerce changes on a global scale, focusing on...
This June, the cleverbridge Ecommerce Blog devoted itself to teaching our audience about the KPIs for reducing customer service contacts, the five features of effective ecommerce sites, and the lie...