April Ecommerce Digest

In ecommerce and Internet marketing, nurturing our audience of customers and potential customers is vital to success. We do this by reaching out and offering our help in a variety of ways. Sometimes, that help is through selling valuable products and sometimes it is through providing exceptional customer service. We also nurture by educating our audience with blog posts, videos or webinars.

This month on Building Keystones, we have focused on helping software vendors understand the value of social media channels, especially Twitter and LinkedIn. We also showed vendors three ways to improve their retention of subscription customers subject to recurring billings, and how to reel in customers who have bounced from your site.

Read this April Ecommerce Digest to learn more about social media marketing, designing on-site search results pages, and ecommerce personalization.

YouTube Social Media Marketing

5 Little-known YouTube Features for Marketers | Social Media Examiner – Have you ever wondered how to make your corporate YouTube videos more engaging? This article points online marketers to some great YouTube resources that will help engage your audience and make your videos more effective.

You’ll learn about the YouTube Audio Library and how to submit your videos to the Fan Finder service. You’ll also learn how to add clickable links and logos to your videos, as well as how to enable Live Events – which the article describes as a more professional version of Google+ Hangouts on Air.

Designing Site Search Results

25 Effective Design Patterns For Ecommerce | Econsultancy – While many visitors prefer to search for products online by using navigation menus and filters on product pages, the visitors to your site who utilize your search functionality are certainly more engaged than a casual browser. They are focused and looking for something specific, so make sure that the search results page are as effective as possible.

This article focuses mostly on apparel and consumer electronics, but online merchants of all types, including software vendors, can learn a thing or two from these examples. Of particular note are the examples of mobile results pages toward the bottom of the article.

Ecommerce Personalization

Remarketing and Behavioral Ads | ClickZ – The goal of ecommerce personalization is to remind visitors of products or pages they already expressed interest in. So when displaying ads to users based on their previous interactions with your brand, it is important to consider both your creative and technical approaches.

On the creative side, special consideration should be given to copy, images and placement. On the technical side, you have to define who you are targeting, and there are many options for this decision. Your options include targeting visitors based on keywords they’ve used, their interests, what sites they are visiting, where in the world they are located, or even based on demographics like age and gender. The article ends by advising remarketers to invest in more than one display network, focus on attribution and figure out how to limit the frequency of impressions.

Social Media Marketing On Reddit

Social Media Marketing: Adding Reddit to the Mix | MarketingSherpa Blog – Typically, independent software vendors and digital marketers focus their social media marketing efforts on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. This blog post asks whether Reddit should also be considered as a viable way to market your brand on social media. There are many difficulties with this approach, not the least is Redditors’ general aversion toward companies not-so-subtly spamming sub-reddits. Nevertheless, this post offers good advice for corporate marketers who want to participate on Reddit and even provides some case studies of those who have used Reddit to help drive success for a marketing campaign.

Have you ever improved a marketing campaign’s results through Reddit or YouTube? How do you plan your retargeting campaings? Got a killer search results page? Tell us all about it in the comment section.