Drip Marketing to Increase Sales and Leads: Part Two

Welcome to part 2 of our 3-part series on drip marketing campaigns.  Where part 1 focused on the four areas of paid search that lead to successful lead generation, part 2 discusses tactics that online vendors can use to funnel new paid search traffic into a paying customer base.

Part 2: Registering Visitors – The Second Hurdle

How can online vendors take advantage of the traffic they generate from paid search campaigns? Whether you’re offering a “Buy Now” button on the landing page of your advertisement or a free download of your product, you are hoping for a good percentage of  clickers to convert into paying customers. But what if many people are clicking on your ads and only a few are converting? In general, you should avoid paying for clicks without getting something in return. That is a negative ROI!

One strategy is combining lead generation and sales on one landing page. This practice increases the amount of consumer information you receive through your PPC campaign and also increases the number of consumer touch points for revenue.

Just add a free download link on the PPC landing page for the consumers clicking on paid search ads, and arrange the process so that the consumers must provide you with information like first name, last name and email address in order to obtain the free download of the product. When collecting email addresses, you have to ensure that these are valid addresses, otherwise you will run into problems with ISPs (ED: More on this in part 3!).

I suggest the following best practices once you have collected the consumer information:

  1. Send the consumer an email requiring them to opt in to an email list for future promotions before you allow them to download the free product. This is a crucial piece in drip marketing, as it allows you follow up with consumers you already know are interested in your product. It has the added benefit of validating the email address the consumer provided on the landing page.
  2. Include a secondary revenue opportunity in the same email. The secondary revenue opportunity should mention that if the consumer enjoyed the free product, they should upgrade to a premium paid version. These free users will now have a permanent buy link sitting in their email box. If they choose to upgrade or wanted to pass along the email to a friend, they can do so at anytime.
  3. Add the consumer’s information to a marketing list for future contacts.

By following these practices a vendor can build an enormous email list and create a stream of consistent email revenue.


When paying for search traffic to free downloads of your product, you can increase potential ROI by having consumers provide contact information. Target consumers you know are already interested in your product and provide them additional opportunities to convert.

Read the first part of this series here. The final piece to Drip Marketing – 3 Essentials To Increase Sales And Leads concerns the best practices of email marketing.

K.C. Motamedy is the Affiliate Marketing Manager at cleverbridge.