Ecommerce Eye Candy – Geomarketing [Infographic]

In this week’s Ecommerce Eye Candy, KISSmetrics shows us some compelling numbers related to Geomarketing. According to GfK GeoMarketing (PDF), “…geomarketing brings clarity to the...

In this week’s Ecommerce Eye Candy, KISSmetrics shows us some compelling numbers related to Geomarketing. According to GfK GeoMarketing (PDF), “…geomarketing brings clarity to the many  “where” questions with which businesses are confronted – e.g., where are my customers located?, where is my turnover the highest?, where are my target groups?, where are the strengths and weaknesses of my markets?”

Dunkin’ Donuts is one of the 65% of companies “focusing on geographical context for their mobile marketing tactics. The infographic shows how Dunkin’ Donuts used Foursqaure to offer discounts to nearby customers. Using geomarketing to offer highly-targeted discounts to visitors makes sense for brick and mortar operations like Dunkin Donuts, but for digital products, geomarketing is best utilized for knowing when to display localized web pages to visitors from across the globe. Those with enough savvy should segment visitors and target them with relevant messages by incorporating regional holidays and special events into their hyper-localized marketing content.

Location based marketing is more prevalent because more people, especially smartphone users, are allowing apps to access their location, and technology is making geomarketing a less expensive alternative to other marketing channels like search engine marketing (SEM).

Have you increased conversions with hyper-localized marketing? Use the comment section to tell us your geomarketing story.

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Location, Location, Location - Geo-marketing & Why it Matters
Source: Location, Location, Location – Geo-marketing & Why it Matters Infographic