Ecommerce Eye Candy – Google Checkout in Real Life [Video]

This video from the Google Analytics YouTube channel is a hilarious satire on the difficulties many customers encounter on their way through an online checkout...

This video from the Google Analytics YouTube channel is a hilarious satire on the difficulties many customers encounter on their way through an online checkout process. Ideally, your checkout process should result in a win-win situation. If customers are not converting as you hoped and your company is not meeting its expected goals, it’s time to investigate your funnel for where customers are dropping off.

In order to identify the parts of your checkout process that are driving customers away, set goals in Google Analytics. Then examine your traffic sources, prioritize your stronger channels, address those issues you see leading to significant drop-offs in conversions, and meet regularly to review your progress (For more details, read “4 Steps to Use Analytics to Increase Revenue”).

So, why are customers exiting from critical pages on your conversion path? It could be for any number of reasons.

For example, in this video, the customer is forced to:

  • Sign into an account whose name he does not remember
  • Authenticate himself through a challenge-response process
  • Try to understand why various delivery charges are added to his total payment
  • Accept unintelligible terms and conditions
  • Start the whole process over when his connection times out

All this, for a simple product he can find almost anywhere. While you may think that all these elements are necessary from an organizational standpoint, as a whole, they frustrate visitors to the point of abandoning cart.