Ecommerce Eye Candy – History of Digital Marketing [Charticle]

This interactive charticle from kapost dives into the history of something near and dear to all our minds and hearts: digital marketing. Digital marketing is not only big business; it gives businesses the abilities they need to reach their corporate objectives, be they growth in revenues, customers or expansion into new markets.

Digital marketing is what keeps Google in business with approximately $50 billion in ad revenue. It’s why Oracle acquired Eloqua two years ago, and its why Salesforce bought ExactTarget a few months later. Digital marketing is how Barack Obama won the 2008 election and left his competitors in the dust in 2012.


This charticle not only looks at how far the digital marketing market has progressed in the past 30-40 years of digital marketing – it also provides current digital marketers a great lesson in B2B content marketing. This type of high-effort content is great way for people to discover your brand and find out what your expertise is. It the provides information in an engaging manner, and places calls-to-action strategically throughout the content. These placements coax visitors through all the stages of a customer acquisition process, allowing your brand to further communicate with potential customers.