Ecommerce Eye Candy – Cyber Threats to Your Business

In Data Security: Why PCI DSS Alone Doesn’t Cut It, we explained that PCI compliance, though essential for protecting your customers’ sensitive data, cannot be the only line of defense in keeping your company’s data safe.

This infographic from ERS Ltd., who provide managed IT services, will help contextualize your company’s vulnerability to cyber attacks. The infographic begins with some statistics about cyber threats to your business. The most notable one is that 52 percent of employees do not adhere to company policy regarding data security. If this is true, your company may be leaking data, and you should do everything in your power to educate both new and longtime employees about your security compliance policies.

The graphic concludes by addressing the very important question of, “What can be done to prevent an attack?” and makes threes important suggestions:

  • Have a recovery plan – Incredibly, 75 percent of businesses do not have one in place.
  • Prevent attacks – Businesses with a managed service plan in place mitigate downtime by 64 percent.
  • Practice good management – According to a 2012 Verizon report, 97 percent of data breaches are preventable.

Check out the rest of the infographic in detail, and in the comment section, let us know how you prevent cyber attacks on your business.

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