Mobile technology is changing the way farmers practice agriculture. If in the past, a farmer was chained to an almanac to reference historical weather and yield patterns, now that information is available online — accessible from any smartphone.
But the story of the farmer and the mobile app is more than just accessing statistical information on-the-go. Monitoring devices, sensors and machine diagnostics are driving massive innovation in agriculture and providing mountains of real-time data to farmers. AgTech companies are meeting farmers’ data needs with solutions that allow farmers to access data and draw insights that make a dramatic difference in the bottom line.
Farmers are responding. In today’s infographic, featured on Food + Tech Connect and originally created by Float Mobile Learning, they found 94 percent of farmers already own mobile or smartphones. In general, mobile phones have outpaced landlines many times over. Connecting their smartphones and their farming data means that farmers will increase efficiency. Float found mobile technology will cut agricultural water consumption by as much as half.
How does it happen? One example is the company Farmlogs. They have a mobile app that is used in combination with a subscription for access to monitoring data like rainfall tracking, soil composition maps, inventory management and more. In their Flow package, Farmlogs also employs connected sensors, combining an IoT product with a valuable service through the power of a subscription business model.
For more about the rise of mobile agriculture, see today’s infographic below.
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