Gartner Magic Quadrant for Ecommerce 2013

The Gartner Magic Quadrant for Ecommerce 2013 helps software companies understand the different solutions available to fulfill their ecommerce needs. It identifies vendors of ecommerce platforms as leaders, challengers, visionaries or niche players. These designations are based on those companies’ “completeness of vision” and “ability to execute.”

How does this report benefit software companies?

Magic Quadrant Ecommerce 2011 Free Download

Independent software vendors read the Magic Quadrant in order to make informed decisions about their ecommerce needs. The core competency of most software companies lies in building digital products, not in selling them. They find that creating an ecommerce platform requires a new set of skills and tools. Furthermore, developing an ecommerce solution in-house can be prohibitively expensive. The best option for many companies is to integrate with an external ecommerce solution for selling their products online.

Deciding whether to outsource -commerce is a dilemma for many organizations. Concerns about cost, control and quality factor into the decision making process. What if the right e-commerce partner could eliminate those concerns? The Magic Quadrant for Ecommerce helps software companies during the buying cycle by identifying key ecommerce solutions and clarifying their strengths and weaknesses.

Where is it found?

Building Keystones and cleverbridge are pleased to offer our readers complimentary access to the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Ecommerce 2013.

Download the report to read Gartner’s evaluation of 20 ecommerce providers.


  1. Pingback: FREE: Gartner Magic Quadrant for E-commerce 2013 | Building Keystones | fred zimny's serve4impact

  2. Devlin Jane

    The idea of outsourcing some types of work in your company is gaining more strength and popularity by the day. The important thing is to vet or do a thorough background check on the right kind of outsourcing firm. – Devlin

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