July Blogger’s Digest and New Blogger

The summer sales slow down may have set in, but here at Building Keystones we’re still scouring the Internet for all things ecommerce. This month...

The summer sales slow down may have set in, but here at Building Keystones we’re still scouring the Internet for all things ecommerce. This month we found some great reads about SaaS, PPC, social media and email marketing.

Open View Labs – Episode 27: SaaS Marketing Mistakes to Avoid: Read this interview for valuable insights into the differences between SaaS and on-premise marketing strategies.

Practical eCommerce – How to Hire a Pay-Per-Click Manager; 10 Common Mistakes: An expert of PPC advertising shares his recommendations of the 10 key points to look for in your PPC manager. Although up-to-date expertise is a must for a PPC manager, so is the ability to explain and educate non-experts in the organization.

CloudAve – Three Ways to Use LinkedIn for Social Sales: With more than 100 million users, LinkedIn is an important professional networking tool. This article discusses simple and easy ways to use LinkedIn to connect with like-minded professionals, whether at home or on the road.

Return Path – How Inactive Addresses Hurt Deliverability: Direct email campaigns are a great way to reach a broad audience. This article discusses the pitfalls of having too many inactive addresses and how these addresses can lead to a strains on your servers and ISPs mistaking your campaign for spam.

We hope you enjoy these articles as much as we have. We’ll see you next month for our continuing coverage of interesting and helpful ecommerce articles from the best in the business.

New Member of the Building Keystones Team
We’d like to welcome Elan Sherbill to the
Building Keystones team. Elan has experience in ecommerce as a customer service team leader and is now bringing his insider knowledge to this blog as a contributor and editor. Learn more about Elan in his profile. Look for posts by Elan in the coming weeks and months!