Managing the Complexities of Payment Processing [White Paper]

Download our illuminating white paper here: Managing The Complexities Of Online Payment Processing.

Creating an online software business means that you have to accept payments. They are the lifeblood of any business. Payments are what turn hobbies into businesses.

Now generally speaking, payments are a straightforward affair. First a seller offers a product to a buyer at a certain price. The buyer agrees to the terms of the transaction and submits payment to the seller. Then the buyer grabs his product and goes home happy.

But the Internet made submitting and collecting payments a little more complicated than the familiar experience above. The agreement to transact occurs between buyers and sellers who never speak to each other face to face. Internet transactions also rely heavily on machine automation to transfer funds from seller to buyer.

Every business has an obligation to ensure that their customers can shop in an easy and familiar way. But that which is easy and familiar in the U.S. is not necessarily so in Germany or Japan, and vice versa. Ensuring that transactions can happen between any two parties anywhere on Earth in a way that is familiar to each party is no easy goal.

If you are an ecommerce manager, or if you are responsible for ensuring the success of your company’s online store, read this informative white paper. It explains the complex environment of online payment processing, complete with an an introductory guide to the subject as well as a brief explanation of the major players and processes involved in an Internet transaction. It admonishes those selling online to remember that safety comes first and explains how to protect your business from fraudsters. It also offers merchants inside information on negotiating with merchant acquirers and payment service providers, and encourages merchants to think globally about the local payment methods they offer to their customers.

Get this complimentary white paper for an in-depth appreciation of the online payment processing landscape!