Selling Software Online to Customers in Asian Countries [Ebook]

cleverbridge is proud to present the second installment in our Business Without Borders series, which examines the state of ecommerce in various regional markets around the world. This volume focuses on Asian countries like China, Japan and South Korea, and offers advice to independent software vendors on how to succeed in selling software to digital customers in these new localities.

One of the biggest and fastest growing online marketplaces in the world is centered in East Asia, and the online shopping habits of consumers there are noticeably different than those practiced by European and American shoppers. These differences don’t extend merely to language differences – which often necessitates the use of double-byte characters for shoppers in East Asia – but include variations on currencies, prices and payment methods. And that’s just for the shopping cart. Independent software vendors must also ensure that their software is tested for usability by East Asian shoppers, that their customer service offering is capable of meeting new expectations and that translations are made by professional and technologically proficient native speakers.

When you start thinking about your ecommerce business, change is no doubt at the top of your mind. New technologies and more powerful tools are changing how consumers and businesses shop for software, expanding their expectations of convenience from vendors. But these capabilities are not just a boon for customers – vendors must also use them to their own advantage to sell more products to more buyers. By localizing the shopping experience for software customers in Asian countries, merchants can more easily increase conversion rates and grow new streams of revenues.

Download our complimentary ebook, Business Without Borders: Selling Software Online To Customers in Asian Countries now, and understand your customers’ needs and how to meet them.