Business Without Borders: Selling Software Online to European Customers [Ebook]

When you type the term “international expansion” into your preferred search engine you will discover an important business strategy for brick-and-mortar and ecommerce businesses alike. From Buffalo Wild Wings to Netflix, companies are looking to increase their revenues by entering into new sales territories.

The challenge is not just crossing imaginary lines on a map. It’s also one of entering new cultures that carry a different set of definitions for an optimal customer experience. There are issues of regulatory compliance and knowing how shopping cart preferences differ from country to country.

One of the biggest regional ecommerce markets in the world exists in Europe. This new ebook from cleverbridge, Business Without Borders: Selling Software Online to European Customers offers merchants an introductory guide to European ecommerce.

It begins with market research and a look into the viability of European ecommerce as a whole. We learn that the general ecommerce market in Europe is moving from strength to strength, but that European customers and merchants have different business goals than their American counterparts.

This information is followed by an exploration of the rules and regulations particular to merchants selling to European customers. The focus here is on teaching software vendors to properly administer value-added taxes (VAT) and to adhere to the EU regulatory framework for ecommerce.

Next, the ebook provides a practical guide to creating a localized online shopping cart. Helpful tips include information on pricing, currency displays, form fields and payment methods.

Finally, the book concludes with a number of suggestions for driving sales with holiday promotions that highlights important dates on the calendar for European shoppers.

Access Business Without Borders: Selling Software Online to European Customers, our complimentary ebook now to learn how to more effectively penetrate the biggest ecommerce market outside of the U.S.