Subscriptions in the News — Tech In Chicago [Podcast]

We always like to keep a look out for new resources that help entrepreneurs succeed in business. Oftentimes that means digging into a business concept, analyzing the state of the market and what’s coming down the pike, or highlighting the next new disruption that changes everything. But sometimes business tips are found in unexpected packages.

Tech In Chicago — A Podcast With a Purpose

Tech In Chicago, a new podcast hosted by Colin Keeley, is one of those packages. The podcast seeks to highlight, “Chicago startups and the entrepreneurs building them.” By showcasing the individuals behind the startups, we can learn not only the bits of business tactics that someone may have used, but also the whole person. His approach is getting attention.

We asked Colin why he started his podcast. He said, “Personally, it gives me an excuse to talk to and learn from anyone I want in the city, which has been a lot of fun. I think there is a big untapped market for a hyper-local podcast like Tech In Chicago. Most of the popular tech podcasts focus on the big name Silicon Valley/San Francisco startups and Chicago is too often ignored. There a lot of great Chicago startup stories that aren’t getting the exposure they deserve and I would like to change that.”

Tech In Chicago — Episode 10

Colin recently sat down with one of our own, cleverbridge co-founder Craig Vodnik:

Craig Vodnik is a co-founder of cleverbridge, a global subscription billing provider. Founded in 2005, cleverbridge has grown to 300+ employees with offices in Cologne (Germany), Chicago, San Francisco and Tokyo. They have done this all without raising any outside money. At the beginning of his career in 1995, Craig served as the Webmaster of the Chicago Tribune, where he launched its first website. Outside of cleverbridge, Craig helps develop other entrepreneurs as a mentor at 1871, Catapult Chicago, Junto Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Enterpriseworks Entrepreneur-In-Residence and as a board member of Hyde Park Angels.

Listen to the podcast on Tech In Chicago and remember to subscribe on iTunes.

After you listen to the podcast, read our e-book on navigating the subscription solutions landscape