The Results Are Here!

Walter Andrew Shewhart, the father of statistical quality control, is famous for developing the concept behind what is known as the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. Essentially, after planning and implementing any activity, one should check the results of the activity to measure its performance and make any necessary changes.

To that end, the Building Keystones team sent readers a survey to find out exactly what type of people were reading the blog and what they hoped to gain. Suffice to say, we were very impressed with the results!

What We Learned

  • 78% of respondents make or influence important decisions for their organizations.
  • 53% of respondents found Building Keystones “very” or “extremely” valuable compared to other industry blogs.
  •  27% look for information to help them make business decision, 20% look for industry benchmarks to compare their company against, and 31% of respondents are looking for information on the latest ecommerce news/trends.
  • 21% of respondents would like to see posts on multi-variate testing (MVT), 22% would like to see posts about analytics and 23% would like to see more posts on design and usability.

First, we want to express our appreciation to everyone who participated in the survey. Your perspectives are important and we learned a lot from you.

We found it noteworthy that our readers are individuals who make and influence important business decisions. To us, this indicates a readership that feels a responsibility and a passion for excellent performance. At Building Keystones we value foresight, insight and personal commitment and know that our readers do too.

As a result of this survey, you can expect more focus on ecommerce news and trends from Building Keystones in general, and more blog posts on specific topics like MVT, analytics, and design/usability.

Engage Us!

Almost half of respondents use social media to create blogs or web pages, start conversations through social media sites, comment on other blogs and participate in community forums, while another 27% of respondents consider themselves spectators when it comes to social media.

Our goal, our mission, is to help you make the best decisions when it comes to your ecommerce business. We embrace the challenge of helping you find the resources you need to adapt within our evolving, global industry.

Send us questions and tell us what topics you would like to see covered on Building Keystones. Tweet at us, post your idea on our Facebook page, or just email us at

If any of our readers would like to share their own ecommerce experiences and insights, we invite you to hone your writing skills as a Guest Blogger on Building Keystones. Send us an email at with a “Keystone” summary of your topic.

It’s been said that repetition is the mother of skill, and that excellence is not a single act, but a habit. As we provide you with more informative blog posts, we will continue to engage your opinions and perspectives.  So be on the lookout for more surveys coming your way and help shape the Building Keystones community.