2014 Ecommerce: Our Year In Review

Here we are at the end of another year, and it is a time for introspection. We spent this year looking at the the many ways software vendors can improve their ecommerce performance, and discussing the ins-and-outs of all that is required for an online store to succeed.

This post shows you our most popular topics of 2014. Whether it is your first time reading these posts, or you are just reviewing them for your own edification, you’ll discover the tools and knowledge you’ll need to take your ecommerce revenue to a whole new level in 2015.

Ecommerce Benchmark Report

This post links to a SlideShare presentation that is truly a must-have for all ecommerce professionals whether you’re a C-level executive, or you’re an ecommerce manager in charge of your company’s online shopping cart. This ecommerce benchmark report, which contains important, relevant and engaging data about selling to consumers and businesses all over the world, is indispensable to your 2015 performance.

B2B Ecommerce Evolution

Business buyers are online and prefer to shop there, but the B2B market is often underserved in ecommerce. If you haven’t thought about marketing your products to corporations, hospitals, schools, government agencies and non-profits now is the time to start. This post gives an overview of the B2B ecommerce market and offers practical advice for software merchants about optimizing their site to support business buyers.

Ecommerce KPIs

The first quarter of the year had us pooling our key performance indicators (KPIs) from a variety of departments and sharing them with our community. Use these measurements to assess how your business is doing. Responsible reporting is key to judging whether your performance is meeting your goals:

Affiliate Marketing 101

Affiliate marketing will continue to be an important revenue source for you in 2015. This series of posts, from cleverbridge Affiliate Marketing Manager John Hernandez, approaches affiliate marketing from an affiliate’s point of view. Though the merchant’s perspective of affiliate marketing is the more common one at Building Keystones, this series serves merchants who are trying to understand their affiliates’ perspectives in an effort to enhance their mutually beneficial relationship.

Localizing Ecommerce

According to Forrester Research’s recent report, Close The Experience Gaps With The Right Business Technology, improving customer experiences and growing revenue are at the top of business executives’ to-do lists in 2015. Localization is a great way to accomplish both goals. The essential lesson of these posts is for the ecommerce community to look for opportunities beyond their home country to grow revenues.

We look forward to sharing more of our ecommerce expertise in 2015. We hope that reading these posts gives you insight into your business and helps you make better decisions. Click here to contact a cleverbridge representative and see how we can help you improve your ecommerce offering.