Eight Critical Capabilities for Global Ecommerce [White Paper]

Get our complimentary cleverbridge white paper to see if you have the capabilities you need to maximize online sales.

As global ecommerce sales skyrocket, online merchants are looking to optimize their ecommerce platforms and capitalize on new international markets.

Unfortunately, the unique circumstances of global ecommerce call for unique systems and process capabilities — whether you’re working to build these capabilities in-house or requiring them of your outsourced ecommerce provider.

Organizations that fail to address complexities up front can end up with a poor customer experience, low sales revenue and higher-than-expected costs.

So what critical capabilities does a successful global ecommerce business require?

Of course, things like international payment processing capabilities, pricing strategies and localized assets come to mind.

But how do you know if you are truly prepared to compete in foreign markets? Your ecommerce platform must be able to support an array of capabilities including:

  • Localization
  • Pricing configuration
  • Order management
  • Payment processing
  • Merchandising
  • Integration/APIs
  • Reporting
  • Subscription management

Ultimately, when it comes to succeeding in global ecommerce, your capabilities may need more optimization than you think.

Download our complimentary cleverbridge white paper  now!