Ecommerce Eye Candy – Cyber Week Software Promotions

This year’s Black Friday saw a 26% growth in online sales from 2011 according to comScore, while brick and mortar sales were down almost 2%....

However, our prediction that social networks would play a key role in holiday shopping has so far proven unfounded as sales through Facebook, Twitter and other sites fell close to 35% compared to 2011.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – Are You Ready For The Holidays? [Infographic]

Cyber Monday is fast approaching. For two years running, this has been the single biggest sales day for online retailers, and we can expect more...

Of course, the e-commerce bonanza doesn't start and end with Cyber Monday. The holiday season as a whole, from Halloween to Christmas, is a time for online merchants to offer attractive deals without over-discounting and killing their margins.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – Mobile And Social Trends In Holiday Ecommerce

According to eMarketer, “The online holiday shopping season is officially under way, and internet retailers are expecting the dollars to roll in on digital channels.” The article...

By targeting shoppers during holiday season, retailers can boost mobile and social channels, while B2B companies can help those retailers more effectively support their consumer base.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – The Holiday Season

In Kicking Off the Online Holiday Season, eMarketer notes that ’tis the season of online shopping. The question is not if you can capitalize on...

Images of scary pumpkins and bats, combined with content that speaks of "treats" and "demons," along with an offer for a 78% discount on a product with the word "ghost" in it, all serve to evoke a familiar setting to customers in an attempt to influence their purchase decisions.

The What, Why and How of Content Marketing

An effective content marketing strategy is a pervasive, multimedia affair that combines traditional marketing techniques with social, web 2.0 content. It is a comprehensive effort that can help every company in their quest to not only acquire and retain customers, but to showcase leadership and authenticity.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – The Changing Role of Email Marketing [Infographic]

In “Four Benefits of Marketing Automation,” we noted that 80% of companies use automated email services to reach their customers. But what kind of content...

The image below indicates that B2B related emails are more likely to be opened on a Tuesday morning than any other time of the week. Friday, however, is the least likely time that such emails are opened. Perhaps people are too busy with work on Monday and too excited for the weekend on Friday to look at that email promoting your newest whitepaper. Test and survey your own audience to see what works best for them.

Four Benefits of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation benefits include identifying multiple sales funnels and paths to conversions, optimizing the sales process, and identifying communication gaps within the marketing strategy and internally between departments.

Ecommerce Eye Candy Rises

In our article, Social Media: Beneficial All Year Round, we noted that throughout the year, there are events that inspire promotions. Obvious events that the general...

Kaspersky is promoting their famous security software with product discounts and a free-entry sweepstakes. They wisely tied these promotions to one of the most anticipated movies this year, The Dark Knight Rises. The premise is that you, the visitor, help Batman protect Gotham city against a computer virus unleashed by the villain Bane. Your help is then rewarded with awesome prizes.

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