Navigating the Subscription Commerce Solutions Landscape [White Paper]

cleverbridge is proud to present a complimentary white paper to help you navigate the ins and outs of three types of subscription commerce solution. Download now to discover the pros and cons of three types of subscription solutions, concrete use cases for each solution type, questions to ask yourself when evaluating providers, and questions to ask potential providers.

Ad Blockers — Friend or Foe?

Ad blocking software is becoming more prevalent and beginning to impact affiliate marketing revenue. It's time for affiliate marketers to think about how they are going to address this important issue and what steps they can take to minimize its impact.

The Benefits and Risks of Affiliate Marketing

The cost of SEO and other customer acquisition methods continues to increase. Companies are always looking for cost effective, low-risk ways to increase their web traffic and win new business. What can help you with this? Simple, leverage affiliate marketing which brings numerous benefits.

September Ecommerce Digest

For the September Ecommerce Digest, we're digging into localization, Klarna's debut in the U.S., the role of shopping carts in subscription commerce, the challenges of omnichannel shopping, and the impact of chip-and-PIN cards on ecommerce fraud prevention.

Four Ways to Use Social Media to Create Ecommerce Opportunities

Social media is a cost-efficient way to breathe life into your ecommerce business, and can help you reach new audiences on a shoestring budget. Experiment with the different social media channels and tactics to find the ideal fit for your audience —and watch the shares (and ecommerce sales) roll in.

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