November Ecommerce Digest

This month, we covered the basics of online payment processing, the value of professional networking, and how to optimize your site for customer trust. We feasted on Ecommerce Eye Candy of all flavors, from the world's largest trade expo to atomic-proof data centers. Now that we've gobbled turkey and stuffing, let's take a look at what made the news this month in our November Ecommerce Digest.

Do Your Customers Trust Your Site?

Consumer data is at risk, and digital security is a topic of growing importance as the Internet grows more sophisticated. Customers need to trust you, or you won’t have a website business much longer. Success follows if customers trust your site. Guest blogger Caroline Black reviews the basics of a trustworthy website.

Professional Networking — Costs and Benefits

Networking is an integral part of your business and its costs should be considered with as much care as any other cost, regardless of their apparent value. The true return of networking is rarely one-to-one, but taken in context, the value to you and your business far outpaces the costs.

Online Payment Processing 101

The more you understand the complexities of accepting payments online, the better you can steer your company to the best payment solution for you. In this article we’ll cover some of the basics of online payments, shopping carts, payment gateways, and some helpful tips on how to choose your merchant account provider.

Ecommerce Eye Candy — EMV Chip Cards [Infographic]

This week's Ecommerce Eye Candy discusses EMV chip cards. Credit card manufacturers are finally making it a bit harder for fraudsters to steal credit card information. Chip-enabled payment technologies developed by Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV chip cards) add layers of security against fraud, making cards virtually impossible to duplicate.

October Ecommerce Digest

The shorter days and colder temperatures can mean only one thing: welcome to the fourth quarter. For our October Ecommerce Digest we take a closer look at the expected growth for online holiday sales, optimizing your landing pages for the holiday rush, as well as the recent news that touches all online retailers: the proliferation of ad blocking software.

Ecommerce Eye Candy — Mobile Ad Blocking [Infographic]

For those who rely on online advertising to drive revenue, recent reports about the rise of ad blocking on iOS devices have been dire, even apocalyptic. Our friends at The Mobile Majority take a closer look at the issue, assessing just how deep an impact Apple's latest feature release will have.

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