June Ecommerce Digest

For our Ecommerce Digest series, we're showcasing content that centers around using keyword research for optimizing search results, planning editorial calendars as part of an effective content strategy, considerations for taking your ecommerce global, and understanding why it is that the sales and development teams sometimes appear to be on different wavelengths.

Friendly Fraud Is a Lie

Friendly fraud is where a customer issues a chargeback (in some cases deliberately), claiming an item was never received or that they never made the charge. This can feel like a victimless crime, but merchants are paying the price in lost products, chargeback fees, increased chargeback rates and the ever present specter of losing their right to process credit cards.

Five Features of Effective Ecommerce Sites

Though the ecommerce space offers significant revenue opportunity and a captive marketplace, merchants must meet and exceed customer expectations on all fronts, including site functionality, product quality and convenience. By combining customer insights with the best practices established by ecommerce leaders, businesses of all sizes have the potential to succeed in an online selling capacity.

Customer Service KPIs: Reducing Contact Rates

Using key performance indicators to ultimately reduce your customer contact rate will not only improve the customer experience, but it also creates a more effective customer service team. As you identify the KPIs for your customer service team, aim for achievable goals that are also a step above industry standards.

May Ecommerce Digest

For our Ecommerce Digest this month, we're discussing the amount and variety of customer touchpoints, the implication of a Google buy button, how to optimize subject lines in email marketing, how to present choices to your customers, and the difficulty of expanding into the Chinese ecommerce market.

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