Ecommerce Eye Candy – The Marketer’s Guide to Customer Data [Infographic]

Help! What Do I Do With My Customer Data?

Data management is one of the keys to successful ecommerce. Companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon and Netflix all use data management to make better products and drive revenue. The problem for ecommerce professionals is the many sources of customer data which seem to tell different stories. The challenge today is to understand your digital customer’s behavior across all touchpoints – from ads to the shopping cart to customer service.

“The two-dimensional world of data, where structure and a single view were defined by a unique record, has been replaced by a high-definition world rich in context and color.” –
via Forrester Research

You know you need data to get an accurate portrait of your customers. The questions are…

  • How do you gather the right data?
  • How do you compile the data?
  • How do you act on the information?
  • What’s the best way to share it?

Not sure of the answers to these? You’re not alone – 36 percent of marketers say they have customer data but “don’t know what to do with it.”

Take Action With Your Customer Data

The “Marketer’s Guide to Actionable Data” infographic from Monetate, a marketing acceleration software company, shows you how to organize and act on your customer data.

Are you collecting the same types of data? Do you experience the same obstacles?

The Marketer’s Guide to Actionable Data
Monetate Marketing Infographics