Drip Marketing to Increase Sales And Leads: Part Three

Enjoy the final piece of our series of posts on drip marketing!

Part 3: Email Marketing – The Third Hurdle

Previously, we discussed how to generate traffic through paid search and then collect user information through user registration. We ended our discussion with suggestions for building a large email list.

The goal, of course, is still converting users into paying customers, but these drip marketing tactics extend the customer relationship well beyond the initial visit from your paid advertisement.

Segmentation and Discounts

With all this free user data you can begin segmenting users based on their behavior. Start off with an educational touch point. For example, why not email the users who do not purchase the product and explain to them why they should upgrade to the Pro version?

Understand that discounts truly motivate indecisive consumers. If the registered free users are still not converting after the educational touch point, send out a promotional touch point in the form of an email that includes a percentage discount of the premium version of your product.

Sender Reputation

A good way to kill your email marketing campaign is to have service providers flagging your emails as spam. Without a double opt-in process or a check for inactive  email addresses, users will give fake email addresses. If you keep sending emails to invalid addresses, ISPs will blacklist you.

My first recommendation is to automate email sending. I once dealt with a large email registration lists that was being sent out manually. Due to other activities we were tackling in the marketing department, the emails were not sent out on a regular basis. The volume we were emailing was also inconsistent.

These two pieces combined sent up red flags for email services providers. We decided to set-up two rounds of automated emails for seven and then twenty days after the free user registers. The 7-day email would use the same educational template we used previously for “Why To Upgrade.” The 20-day email would be the promotional “discount” email we used previously.

This automation allowed our team to eliminate more than twenty hours a month spent on email delivery. After one month of running the automated email follow-up process, the sender reputation score was back to over 95, and we were no longer being black listed by email service providers. The email volume being mailed was consistent and lower volume.

Not to mention emailing these registered users in a timely, automated manner increased overall sales by 10%. The process of email automation doubled the revenue we were able to generate through email due to the adjusted frequency and increased deliverability.


Drip marketing is a great strategy for extending customer relationships through a series of touch points and communications. Drive traffic through paid search, find out who your visitors are through user registration, and then engage them through educational and promotional email marketing.

Make sure to check out part 1 of this series here and part 2 here.

Then, you should start following us on Twitter!

K.C. Motamedy is the Affiliate Marketing Manager at cleverbridge.