Ecommerce Eye Candy – Seven Landing Page Flaws That Kill Conversions [Infographic]

Sometimes a conversion means a visitor filled out a form on your website and other times it means a customer submitted payment through your online store. Regardless of how you define a conversion, it always involves someone becoming interested in your brand and deciding to complete an action that strengthens their relationship with your company.

However, before that action is completed, your potential customer must find some aspect of your brand to interact with. In these propitious days of digital advertising, a customer’s interaction with your brand often begins with a search engine query, an email or a social media status update. When designed properly, these channels funnel clicks to your website and ultimate conversion destinations – but not before a visit to a landing page.

Seven Landing Page Flaws That Kill Conversions

This infographic from Quick Sprout provides an overview of why landing pages are so significant to your online business, what stops your landing pages from being truly successful, and what you can do to improve the performance of your landing pages. Accordingly, the flaws on your landing pages that make people bounce before converting are:

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7 Landing Page Flaws That Kill Your Conversions
Courtesy of: Quick Sprout