Ecommerce Eye Candy – What is Alibaba? [Charticle]

Alibaba has been featured quite prominently in the news lately, and it behooves ecommerce professional to understand exactly what this company is and how it might impact their online sales strategy in the near future. This “charticle” from the Wall Street Journal provides a comprehensive overview of Alibaba and its impact on ecommerce. It’s a great presentation, but its greatness is not just in the information it gives. The design is also really well thought out, and all content marketers should take notes for their next content campaign.

While our Ecommerce Eye Candy posts usually point readers to awesome ecommerce infographics published by tech companies, it’s hard not to think of the Wall Street Journal as one of the more popular digital innovators out there, especially when it comes to digital media. And digital media should be at the forefront of every business leader. It doesn’t even matter which department in your company you work for. Sales, marketing and customer service departments must all be thinking about their digital presence online. And in this day and age, that means thinking about how the content and design of your website – your ideas and the way you present them – create conversions in the checkout process and shopping cart. (It also means caring about your digital online presence on third party platforms like social and affiliate networks, but that’s a discussion for another time 😉 )

Elements of an Advanced Digital Presence

The main point is that this interactive article is not only an excellent piece of content, it’s presentation is engaging and innovative.

First and foremost, you can easily tell this content was designed for any type of reader on any device. The page is responsive, the text is not lengthy and concise – perfect for scanning. The interactive graphs and charts are presented without clutter. Additionally, video is interspersed throughout and social sharing capabilities are embedded in each video’s toolbar.

WSJ Charticle
The new digital media in this Wall Street Journal “charticle” presents content in a variety of forms and in an engaging and interactive manner

The lesson for software merchants and ecommerce pros is that when it comes to ecommerce success it is not only about the product you are selling. You must also factor in considerations of how your potential customers interact with your brand before entering the cart. If you haven’t been thinking about how to revamp your site and how you use that content to convert visitors into paying customers now is a the time to do so.