Ecommerce Eye Candy – Marketing Automation Magic Makes it All Happen [Infographic]

Examining the buyer’s journey as if it were a trek to the Emerald City, this infographic from Marketo, a maker of marketing automation software, shows how companies of all sizes and in all industries benefit from marketing automation software. It makes clear that the magic of marketing automation achieves higher revenue by aligning people, processes and technology. Besides enumerating the important benefits of marketing automation, the infographic also identifies the KPIs that you should use to prove marketing automation success, and takes you through the process of selecting a marketing automation vendor.

Marketing Automation Magic

As we have noted elsewhere, it’s important to understand that you always have some potential customers at all stages of the sales funnel. At this very moment, there are people looking for products and services that your brand offers, but who have never heard of your company. And there are people who are intimately familiar with your offering without ever speaking directly to a sales rep. Marketing automation magic gives you the ability segment your database in order to connect the right messaging to the right contact at the right moment. It is not simply a way to automate email campaigns.

We also know that marketing automation is not either a sales or a marketing tool. It is both. In fact, marketing automation fosters interdepartmental communication. And, as a recent Demand Metrics study shows, improved collaboration between marketing and sales is a proven method for increasing close rates.

Keep in mind that creativity, strategy, collaboration and patience are all required in order to reap the benefits of marketing automation magic.

Brought to you by Marketing Automation Software from Marketo