Ecommerce Eye Candy – 21 Elements of International Marketing [Interactive Guide]

This week’s ecommerce eye candy shifts from our normal practice of highlighting engaging infographics found on various sites across the web to an interactive guide filled with highly beneficial information on how to improve your online store’s international capabilities.

This guide comes to us from TranslateMedia who offer localization services to companies looking to expand their customer base into new territories. Aside from this guide, their blog is a great resource for looking into the finer points of localization and international marketing.

International Marketing

Based on the format of the periodic table, this graphical guide arranges 21 elements of international marketing best practices into several groups. The guide’s primary division is between traditional and digital marketing tactics, and each of these categories breaks off into five other sections. The elements that comprise these latter sections are all clickable and redirect to their own subpage where the level of detail grows even more specific.

For example, by clicking on the email marketing section you can learn about industry benchmarks and key legal issues related to sending commercial emails to a worldwide audience. The ecommerce section, on the other hand, speaks about the relative sizes of important international ecommerce markets and the different payment methods typically used by customers in different regions.

All in all, this well organized site is a valuable resource for anyone looking to generate revenue from new key markets. So go ahead and poke around in this guide.

21 Elements of International Marketing from TranslateMedia
21 Elements of International Marketing from TranslateMedia

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