Ecommerce Eye Candy – Creating a Successful Online Business [Infographic] strives to provide objective and unbiased reviews and news of (you guessed it) ecommerce platforms. Through this infographic, Ecommerce-Platforms gives a comprehensive overview of some of the most important features of a successful online business.

Interestingly, it begins by stressing images over copy: No matter how much effort you devote to crafting the perfect message, visitors are more likely to remember what they see rather than what they read.

Site navigation is also important to your business. If users can’t find what they’re looking for, how effective can you really be at selling? A great idea here is to have a section of your site devoted to featuring your newest products. This practice ensures that visitors are only looking at the latest and greatest things that you offer.

Regarding the content on your site, the infographic wisely advocates that businesses start blogging if they haven’t already. It’s an excellent way to increase your traffic flow and keep visitors informed. Another interesting point about content is in reference to your About Us page. According to this infographic, visitors who click on this page will convert at higher rates and spend more money than those who don’t.

Point number 12 touches upon a subject quite dear to us, and details some of the reasons for the average high cart abandonment rate on ecommerce sites. Ascertain that you are doing everything you can to optimize your shopping cart and bring those numbers down.

Additionally, the infographic makes a strong case for promoting site security, enhancing your web presence through social media, and implementing an affiliate program to increase sales.

In the comment section below, tell us what you think are the most important features of creating a successful online business.

Infographic by Ecommerce-Platforms

1 Comment

  1. Blakeley Southern

    You bring up a good point on making a good first impression when setting up a new web business. Photos can certainly help with improving the aesthetics and professional look of your website. Another thing that is simple to set up and will add to the professional look of your business is setting up an automatic order confirmation email system. That way your customers know that you have received their payment and order and are in the process of handling that request. Thanks for sharing!

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