Ecommerce Eye Candy – Facebook Ads vs Google Ads [Infographic]

This infographic from WordStream, a company that specializes in PPC advertising analysis, compares the effectiveness of Facebook advertisements against ads served by the Google Display Network. And their findings suggest that Google is far more effective than Facebook at displaying ads.

For example, ads from the Google Display Network, which include ads served on Gmail, YouTube and “millions of other websites” reach a bigger swath of Internet users than Facebook ads. Also, Google’s advertising formats and targeting options are more flexible than Facebook’s, and their click-thru-rates are about 10 times that of Facebook’s.

“Facebook creates less business value than any other digital marketing opportunity.”
via Forrester Research: Why Facebook Is Failing Marketers.

November and December ecommerce spending presents a valuable opportunity for B2C and B2B online merchants. One of our main goals is to stress how important it is during these months to optimize your various sales channels to drive revenue.

We suggested that your conversion rate optimization efforts should not only focus on the checkout process and shopping cart, but must also include your email, search and social media offerings. However, we noted that social media was more of an ancillary benefit to your bottom line: It’s good for developing your brand but isn’t likely to drive significant revenue into your coffers.

For years, online merchants and their marketing teams have been trying to create the perfect social strategy, which often means trying to figure out how to use Facebook’s (or Twitter’s or LinkedIn’s or Google+’s) extensive network to drive revenue. It seems that the right formula is still in development. But one thing is clear: The solution is about creating the right content and finding the right targets at the right time. FB vs GOOG