Ecommerce Eye Candy – Marketing Automation [Infographic]

Marketing and Sales Departments

Traditionally, a marketing team makes an organization’s product or service appealing to potential customers while the sales team convinces those potential customers (leads) to become actual ones. Over the course of many years of researching best practices for companies that sell their products online, I consistently encounter people wondering not only how to increase the quantity and quality of their leads, but also wondering how to align their sales and marketing departments better.

This infographic by explains how marketing automation enhances both the marketing and sales teams efforts and brings real business results that ultimately benefit an organization’s bottom line.

Marketing Automation

According to HubSpot, marketing automation is software that allows you to more efficiently nurture leads, similar to the process that combines seeds with dirt, water and light and creates a beautiful plant. It gives sales teams the ability to choose relevant marketing collateral and send it to relevant segments of their database in a streamlined fashion.

So Who Benefits From Marketing Automation – Sales or Marketing?

The truth is that marketing automation makes the jobs of both sales and marketing professionals easier.

Companies that implement marketing automation have 53 percent higher conversion rates and 9.3 percent higher sales quota achievement rates. From identifying qualified leads to creating prospect profiles and monitoring engagement, sales teams can use marketing automation to stay in the loop with all levels of prospects.

Additionally, automation gives marketing teams the tools to understand campaign performance with real ROI data to back it up. Marketing automation also replaces high-touch, repetitive manual processes with automated solutions – that’s great news for both teams!

What real benefits will sales and marketing teams see?

  • Better, more qualified leads
  • Improved sales intelligence
  • Time saving
  • Greater transparency and accountability
  • Improved sales and marketing alignment

Review this infographic to see how marketing automation can boost sales and marketing efforts and significantly affect overall sales cycle efficiency.

Marketing Automation: Sales or Marketing Tool? #infographic - An Infographic from Pardot

Embedded from Pardot