November Blogger’s Digest

The online shopping extravaganza that occurred on Cyber Monday reconfirms e-commerce as a lucrative, growing field. Since Building Keystones is passionate about empowering people to succeed in this ever growing industry, we continue our mission to bring you digital e-commerce expertise on a wide range of topics with the November Blogger’s Digest.

This past month we gave advice about optimizing shopping carts for customers across the globe, provided tips for guiding traffic with domain name portfolios, shared some best practices in analyzing business performance, and highlighted the benefits of social media for special holidays.

Additionally, we are currently offering you the Gartner Magic Quadrant report for e-commerce, so go ahead and click that link to receive your free download.

As always, we encourage you to take part by asking questions or sharing your experiences in the comment section.

Occam’s Razor – Smarter Data Analysis: This is a complicated read that requires some active participation, but it is well worth it. Google’s recent changes to their Analytics service now lists a significant amount of your keyword traffic as (not provided). Although we cannot determine what keywords comprise this new group of traffic sources, Avinash Kaushik has provided a few handy custom reports to help us understand how that traffic is performing.

Practical Ecommerce – Google + Launches Pages for Business: Earlier this month, Google opened their social networking  site to businesses. This post examines the benefits this change brings to message segmentation and SEO, as well as the challenges of monitoring and updating yet another social networking site.

Personal Dividends – Are You Pricing your Products TOO Low: Here is some food for thought about the value of partnering with daily deal sites versus offering your own coupons. This post also discusses the importance of matching the price of your product with your brand image.

Hubspot – Why YOU Are Your Business’ Most Qualified SEO Expert: Don’t assume the keywords you target are optimal just because they seem natural to you. As with many business decisions, you must test your hypothesis against actual results to ensure they are correct. One key take away from this article is that even similar keywords can yield vastly different search results, so go ahead and start googling yourself.

GigaOM – With Friends Like SOPA, Who Needs DMCA: Without taking a stance on either side of this debate, I felt it was important to draw everyone’s attention to an important piece of legislature that is currently being debated in the US Congress. If this bill passes, it will certainly change the way individuals and companies interact online, so we encourage you to take the time to research this issue and formulate your own opinions.

We hope you all had a terrific Black Friday / Cyber Monday week and that your successes carry on into the holiday season and beyond!

Go ahead and “Like” our Facebook Page or follow us on Twitter. We’re going to be offering more e-commerce news, trends, tips and tricks throughout the coming weeks and months.