November Ecommerce Digest

As online spending ramps up over the next few weeks, web stores need to hone in on their marketing campaigns to make sure they are not losing revenue to their competitors.

To help those in need of marketing advice, we’ve compiled a list of informative blog posts that we think will help you optimize your online offering for these critical few weeks and beyond.

Don’t forget to check out our other posts from November featuring content about year-end marketing campaigns, SEO, data privacy and subscription commerce capabilities.

Holiday Ecommerce

US Online Holiday Sales Grow At A Double-Digit Pace For The Third Consecutive Year | Forrester Research – Forrester is predicting November and December online shopping will be bigger than ever, resulting in $78 billion in ecommerce sales. Free shipping and price savings will be key differences online and in my opinion, software merchants should position their products as easily-delivered last-minute gifts to help drive sales at this critical time.

Holiday Ecommerce Sales Channels

Marketers Remain Wary of ‘Holiday Creep’ Backlash | eMarketer – While this article mainly discusses the timeline for November and December ecommerce marketing campaigns, the most interesting part to me was the claim by 20% of marketers that social media would yield the most overall sales this holiday season. This number is equal to the amount of marketers who think email will be their most effective channel.

Do you believe that social is your best channel for end of year promotions? Tell us about it in the comments section.

So once again, I’m not saying spam the hell out of your customers. What I am saying is that if you restrict frequency of emails at the Christmas period, where everyone and their dog is after your customer’s hard earned dollars, guess what? Someone else will get there before you.

Holiday Ecommerce & Email Marketing

Why More Emails at Christmas Almost Always Means More Money | Econsultancy – This post examines email marketing attribution models and asks, “Should you send emails more frequently in November and December? Does this tactic bother the members of your email list?”

The author claims that even if a company’s promotional emails reach unengaged users, the fact is that those users are familiar with the brand – even if they don’t open a single email. The benefit to marketers is that once the user is ready to act, the brand that sends more emails will be at the top of that user’s mind.

Big Data: Data Quality

The Four Key Types of Customer Data for Marketing or… How Valuable is Knowing My Customers Pet’s Name? | Smart Insights Digital Marketing Advice – While we are on the topic of attribution models and data gathering, it’s worthwhile to consider which information is most critical to your business goals. This post offers a hierarchy to the art and science of collecting customer data.

There are four key types of customer data and they follow a “first things first” principle: First comes customer identity followed by behavioral data. From there one must gather descriptive or personal data through progressive profiling. Then next step is to listen in on the “voice of the customer” through surveys and questionnaires.

Download this conversion optimization guide we will lead you through the wilderness of planning a year end marketing campaign, offering conversion rate optimization tips for your most important sales channels.