Ecommerce Eye Candy – Social Media Engagement [Infographic]

Localizing your social media combines two important parts of Internet marketing and conversion rate optimization. Imagine Joe works for Acme Software Company. Acme produces a large number of software products, some of which are designed to help consumers and some for organizations. It is Joe’s job to increase sales from Acme’s website. Joe understands that there are many ways to do this and that he is best served by driving traffic to his checkout process while consistently testing different elements on the page to improve conversion rates. But how does he get the traffic to the checkout in the first place?

Ecommerce, Internet Marketing and Social Media Engagement

One of the main principles behind the content on this blog is that if you want to drive conversions you’re going to have to employ a robust mix of digital marketing tactics to snag the attention of potential customers. This involves search engine marketing (SEM), which means optimizing both organic (SEO) and paid search (PPC), email marketing and social media marketing. All of which drive traffic by providing informative and engaging content.

Localizing Your Social Media Marketing

Let’s stop and take a second to think about these visitors. We often lose perspective of who our customers are in the myopia of hits, conversion rates, average order values, and other types of data. But customers are so much more than their shopping carts. If you want to drive visitors into your cart you have to appreciate who they are, where they come from, what they are doing and what they want. This is more important than ever, as personalized ads are clicked through at 10 times the rate of traditional ads. These graphics from Squared Online delve into the state of social media marketing around the world, explain that developing markets are growing rapidly, and inform marketers that they should prepare to increase their ad spend in these regions as they are destined to become ecommerce powerhouses. Therefore, when it comes to your social media marketing plan, make sure to factor in new regional markets and understand the best way to target them.

Internet Access, Source: Squared Online
Internet access, Source: Squared Online
Global broadband penetration, Source: Squared Online
Global broadband penetration, Source: Squared Online
Social networks in emerging markets, Source: Squared Online
Social networks in emerging markets, Source: Squared Online
Dominant social channels in regional markets, Source: Squared Online
Dominant social channels in regional markets, Source: Squared Online
Regional social  media use, Source: Squared Online
Regional social media use, Source: Squared Online
Regional ad spend predictions, Source: Squared Online
Regional ad spend predictions, Source: Squared Online

Remember that ecommerce presents a storefront open to anyone with an Internet connection. And that connects you to people across the globe. So let’s make sure you connect to the right community in the right way.

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