Three Ways to Jump-Start Online Revenue

The global software market has a volume of around $369 billion dollars according to research from IDC. North America alone makes up $181 billion. There is great potential to succeed in this multi-billion dollar market, but first you must be sure your customers have an robust but easy-to-use system when purchasing software online.

Whether your software is being sold as a service (SaaS) or as an on-premise download with a backup CD/DVD, you need to be sure your ecommerce platform and online sales strategy simplifies and enhances your customer’s experience. Below are three key areas you should revisit on a regular basis in order to make sure you are continuously optimizing your online sales offering.

Simplify Your Checkout Process

Selling software online is not the same as selling more traditional retail products such as clothing, household goods or beauty and healthcare related items. Due to downloadable purchasing, software sales do not require a “complete” checkout process involving packaging, shipping information or tracking numbers. So with software, keep the checkout clear, simple and concise. But regardless of whether you’re selling software or more commonly sold products, it is crucial to offer your customers a user friendly shopping cart that keeps them aware of their purchase details and the final costs.

Keeping your checkout process simple is more complicated than you might think. It involves a lot of testing and optimizing all the parts of your checkout process. To keep your checkout process as easy to use as possible consider testing the amount of scrolling on the checkout process and simplifying form fields.

Provide a Collection of Demo Videos

There is no better way to showcase your product than giving your costumers a detailed yet brief demonstration of its features through video on your website. Remember to keep your video short: According to StatisticBrain the average attention span to watch a video online is less than three minutes. Your videos should be visually stimulating and simple, this will help your user focus on your product and understand the information you are providing. Be sure to use layman terms rather than technical terms. You want your users to easily relate and be able to comprehend the information. The moment they become confused the less chance you have of making the sale.

Offer Free Trial Licenses

One of the best ways to establish credibility and show your product is worth the investment is to give your users a free trial. It is important to try and offer an actual license rather than a demo. The license enables the customer to test drive the product and see the advantages it has to offer. This is especially important if your company is new and/or small. Be sure to include a “Buy Now” and “Try Now” button on product pages or in your application. According to,  “It is very likely offering only a “Buy Now” button will result in fewer sign-ups overall because you’re asking people to buy based on the perception of value. Big brands or well-known companies, even in smaller niches, can get away with this easily since they are already known and trusted in the market place.”

Keep in mind that selling any product online requires the right ecommerce solution with a clear and simple way to navigate the checkout process. However, if you’re selling software online pay particular attention to the above referenced points. Offer a robust but easy-to-use checkout for a simplified buying process for your customers. Showcase a demo of your software and what it does on your homepage in plain speak. If you’re a small business, offering a free trial helps potential customers see that your product is a not a scam.


While simply having a great product is no guarantee to your online success, incorporating these three ways to jump-start online revenue can increase your chances of getting your software purchased.

Dotcomweavers is a custom web and ecommerce solution company. They work with both small businesses looking to build an online presence and established businesses looking for significant improvements.