Ecommerce Eye Candy — Give ‘Em What They Want: Data-Inspired Content [Infographic]

Whether your customers value your content or just dismiss it as “advertorial” marketing material is determined by one question: Are you producing data-inspired content?

In today’s multimedia world, every marketer can be a storyteller. But in order for your story to resonate with the B2B buyer, it must be valuable and it must be driven by data. This may require playing the role of researcher, journalist and publisher. But based on solid data, you can choose the topics that are most helpful for your customers and cater content to suit their needs.

As we see in this “Data-Inspired Content” infographic from Dun & Bradstreet, powerful data builds the foundation for any successful marketing campaign, whether through blog posts, infographics, white papers or videos.

Data-driven content works. According to Dun & Bradstreet, 75 percent of B2B buyers rely more on content to research and make B2B purchasing decisions than they did a year ago.

However, 87 percent of B2B marketers say they struggled to produce content that truly engages their buyers. So, as a B2B software vendor, how do you deliver the right content to the right people at the right time? It’s a delicate process, but it should always start with good data.

Keep reading to learn tips on:

  • Understanding your audience
  • Tailoring the right content for them
  • Finding the right channels for content distribution
  • Measuring and optimizing the results

Download our Six Guides on Ecommerce Essentials today.

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  1. Sabih Javed

    “However, 87 percent of B2B marketers say they struggled to produce content that truly engages their buyers.”

    Heh, good to know I’m not the only one (by a long shot!).

    Great graphic, by the way 🙂

    1. Nick Liebman

      Thanks Sabih,

      Great to hear from you. Have you had any success employing data analysis in your content generation efforts?

      1. Sabih Javed


        For me, yes it does work but you know, it is way too time-consuming, for me, it is.

        But even the best content (backed by data) sometimes fail to deliver. The equation isn’t really simple.

        1. Nick Liebman


          Very true, nothing is ever as simple as an infographic would have us believe. And yes, collecting good data from the market is time consuming. Many companies are working with marketing automation solutions that help to streamline the effort. For some, it’s important enough to dedicate an employee full-time to the effort — even a team, depending on the size of the enterprise. You might find this post is a good place to start:

          Thanks so much for your comment!

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