Ecommerce Eye Candy – Email and Ecommerce [Infographic]

According to this infographic from dotMailer, email marketing is an effective technique that brands and buyers often take for granted. However, if your business needs to generate ecommerce revenue, start improving your email marketing efforts.

With the ability to deliver highly targeted and personalized campaigns, we continue to see the revenue generating effects of the relationship between email and ecommerce. According to Radicati, a research firm, email “remains the most pervasive form of communication in the business world.” This information is especially important for B2B software companies, who must design many touch points if they expect to successfully sell to the modern business buyer in their ecommerce store.

Now what about consumer software? Can email marketing help you sell it to customers? You bet. Organic search engine traffic is probably the biggest driver of ecommerce revenue, but email is right behind it. So while there were over two trillion Google searches performed in 2013, 33 percent of consumers say that email drives most of their online spending.

Email is also more effective at driving revenue than social media. If you have a social media manager but no email marketing team you might want to reconsider your priorities. Email still has more overall users than social media and is more profitable with an average ROI of $44.25 for every email marketing dollar spent.

How do you use email to drive ecommerce sales? Share your story in the comment section below!
