This week’s Ecommerce Eye Candy focuses on the U.S. and Global B2C ecommerce market. The infographics come to us from readers at Search Laboratory and SnapParcel.
U.S. B2C Ecommerce
The SnapParcel infographic compares overall global B2C ecommerce sales against U.S. ecommerce sales, and U.S. B2C ecommerce sales against their domestic brick-and-mortar counterparts. It cites an Accenture report argues that consumers use the Internet to facilitate in-store shopping and vice versa: people use their in-store shopping experience to help them make better ecommerce purchases.
It also cites research that names software as one of the top four product categories in terms of ecommerce sales and market share. According to separate research by Forrester, the U.S. software market should reach $284 billion by the end of 2014, with $46 billion going toward B2C software purchases. It’s also important to consider that U.S. online retail will hit $291 billion by the end of 2014.

Global Opportunities for Online Retailers
Search Laboratory made this next infographic about global opportunities for online retailers. Note that values are presented in British Pounds, not U.S. dollars.
Here are some details about this topic:
Ecommerce Worth Key Facts
- Japan’s ecommerce worth increased £25 billion since 2012 when it was calculated to be worth £55 billion.
- Italy was the only developed nation to see a decline in its ecommerce worth from 2012.
- Brazil has tripled its ecommerce worth since 2012 from £11 billion to £33 billion.
Average Expenditure per Internet User
- A direct reflection of Italy’s ecommerce worth declining is reflected in the average expenditure per Internet user declining by more than half in value.
- Between 2012 and 2013 the UK, US and Japan continued to increase their average expenditure per Internet user. Compare to Australia which showed a decrease in expenditure.
- As two developing nations, China and India have recorded double their average expenditure per Internet user since 2012.